3 Child Car Seats Solutions in the Back of the Car

Child car seat solution

For parents, the daily grind of having to transport their kids safely in the car can be a real chore. However, fitting three child car seats in the back often becomes a chore that turns into a nightmare. Tiny passages, trying to make the most out of a compact back row, or even vehicle incompatibility issues-finding something that works for your family may feel like a huge puzzle.

Fortunately, you can use several practical ways to fit three child car seats in the back of your car without sacrificing safety and comfort. This guide will take you through the challenge and provide some expert tips on how to successfully fit many car seats.

Challenges in Fitting 3 Child Seats in a Car

Fitting three car seats into a vehicle, especially for families with three young children, is no easy feat. Car manufacturers design their back seats to accommodate adult passengers comfortably, but when it comes to child safety seats, the challenge intensifies. Here are the main factors contributing to the difficulty:

Space Constraints

First, there is a question of width and space in the back rows of most cars. Most of them, especially smaller or mid-size ones, are not capable of housing three car seats in one line. Even when the back technically can accommodate them, it may be impossible to properly install three seats both safely and practically because of how the seat belts and ISOFIX anchors are located.

Seat Configuration

The configuration of car seats differs quite a lot among models. Most five seater cars only have two ISOFIX anchors on the back, and installing three ISOFIX-based car seats at once is thus hard to achieve. You will have to revert to seat belt installation for one or even more of the car seat installation, which will additionally complicate the process.

Compatibility of Vehicle

Other factors that may add to the difficulties include the car seat compatibility with the vehicle. For example, although the back row might be very spacious, its seat belts or ISOFIX system may result in a difficulty with installing three seats safely. Also, depending on whether the car seats are rear-facing or front-facing and boosters, coupled with the car model, too, all combine to either ease things or add to the difficulties in installation.

Due to space limitations, most five-seat cars have only two ISOFIX anchors in the back row, and so cannot accommodate three ISOFIX car seats. So, parents will need to mix and match both ISOFIX and seat belt installations.

Best 3 Child Car Seats Solution

Although fitting three child car seats in the back of your car might seem impossible, there are some very practical solutions at hand that help you manage the space. You will be able to find a perfect combination of seats for your children's safety without cramping their comfort by considering the type of car seat, the configuration of the back row of your car, and your family needs.

Jovikids booster seat

Solution 1: Slimmer Child Car Seats

Slimmer seats can be an excellent option that would enable three child car seats to fit in the back. A number of car seat brands manufacture narrow car seat models explicitly for families needing multiple installations in cramped space.

Slimmer Car Seat Benefits:

  • Maximise Available Space: Slimmer seats allow you to make space in the back row and thus fit three car seats side by side.
  • Greater Flexibility: Slimmer seats can more often be installed with greater ease, especially in those cars with only two ISOFIX anchors in the back row.
  • Same Safety Standards: Because a car seat is slender, it doesn't have to lose out on safety. A number of slimmer car seats also meet top safety standards, with protection against side-impact collision, adjustable harness systems, and energy absorption.

Some of the more popular options for slim car seats are known for their narrow base and high safety ratings. These really are the perfect solution for families that find themselves in a position that requires maximum space without diminishing child safety.

Solution 2: Booster Seats for Older Children

You will be able to upgrade into the isofix booster seat later in life once they are out of the rear-facing or forward-facing stages of a car seat. Booster seats can also be narrower, and most of the time easier to install, side by side across the back.

Booster Seats Benefits:

  • Space-Efficient: Most of the booster seats are compact with narrow sides; this will be one of your ideal solutions if space inside is preciously required.
  • Comfortable for Older Children: Booster seats are way more comfortable for those kids who don't need a full harness system but still require proper positioning within the seat.
  • Easy Installation: Booster seats can be installed using the seat belt; thus, you are not dependent on the ISOFIX anchors. This flexibility can come in very handy if you try to fit multiple seats into a tight space.

The line of high-quality booster seats from Jovikids is durable, comfortable, and easy to install. Booster seats can be installed in a wide range of vehicle types and provide excellent protection for an older child; they are thus one of the highly recommended models for families with many children.

Jovikids OHHO Portable Booster

Solution 3: Rear-Facing & Forward-Facing Seat Combinations

Other methods for installing three child seats in the rear seat involve combinations of rear-facing and forward-facing installation. Rear-facing seats generally take more space than a forward-facing seat, which would, comparatively, have more flexibility regarding installation.

The rear facing car seats can be combined with forward-facing car seats in a way that you could still maximize the available space in the back row. Combining rear-facing and forward-facing seats works by installing, say, two forward-facing side-by-side installations of a seat and putting a rear-facing seat in between, or purchasing a combination seat that can be installed rear-facing for younger children and forward-facing when older.

This solution works great for larger cars, SUVs, and minivans, which have more space in the back row.

How Rear-Facing & Forward-Facing Seat Combination Works:

  • Maximises Available Space: The rear-facing seats take up more space, but their strategic positioning with the forward-facing can help optimize space utilisation.
  • Flexible Installation: You can rotate them or change positions depending on the size and design to get the best fit in your car.

More Solutions for Parents

If you’ve tried the above solutions but are still struggling with limited space, there are additional options to consider:

Change to a Larger Vehicle

If you have a growing family and often have to fit multiple car seats in the back, you may want to upgrade to a larger vehicle. Most 7-seat vehicles, such as SUVs and MPVs, give you more space and extra ISOFIX points, making fitting three child seats in the back easier. Larger vehicles often offer more flexible seat configurations, too.

Install a Baby Car Seat in the Front Seat

If your car is only fitted with two ISOFIX anchors in the back row and you cannot fit three child seats in the rear, then you can install one of the car seats in the front passenger seat. But this should be in very specific situations only. You need to ensure that the front passenger airbag is off because airbags are a menace to rear-facing car seats. Check the vehicle manual to see if it allows a car seat in the front.

Read more in our blog: Can You Put an Infant Car Seat in Front Seat.

Safety Above All: Always Prioritise Child Safety

Never compromise on safety when fitting several car seats in the back of your car. Ensure each seat is installed correctly, following the manufacturer's instructions for both the car seats and your vehicle. If you are unsure, seek professional assistance from a certified child car seat technician.

Installing three child car seats in the back of the car, while somehow a big challenge, can definitely be done using only the right combination of strategies and seats: using slim seats or booster seats, using both rear- and forward-facing car seats. Quite frankly, there should not be a sensible solution which compromises safety in the process of making your car space-efficient.

High-quality car seats from Jovikids provide comfort and safety for your little ones, offering the safest and most comfortable ride. The trick lies in considering the specifications of your vehicle and the needs of your family in order to choose the best setup for your three child car seats.

A child in Jovikids car seat


Is it possible to install three child car seats in a car?

It depends on types of car seats and back row configuration of your car. You can have slimmer baby car seats and booster seats for smaller cars. The big-sized vehicle would be under consideration when it would create a problem even with using slim baby car seats.

What is the car seat solution for three-child families?

It usually boils down to your car, but slim car seats, booster seats for bigger kids, or a mix of rear- and forward-facing seats will work wonders.

Can I install a baby car seat in the front seat?

It's also not recommended to install a rear-facing car seat on the front unless the airbag is turned off. Kindly refer to your vehicle's manufacturer guidelines on the safety issues. For further information, you can read our blog: Can You Put an Infant Car Seat in Front Seat.

Is it safe to install car seats using seat belts instead of ISOFIX?

Yes, in the absence of ISOFIX anchors, car seats can be installed using seat belts. However, ISOFIX is generally more secure and easier to install.

Lecture suivante

How to Pack a Car Seat for a Flight?
The top tether in the ISOFIX system

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